Fiona Mayers
Fiona Mayers

Marketing Manager

Fiona holds a BA (Hons.) Journalism & Broadcasting degree, as well as certificates in Media Law and Politics from the National Council for the Training of Journalists. She has also studied Strategic Communications and Copywriting. She is a professional member of the Australian Institute of Marketing. Fiona has over 15  years’ experience in media, marketing and communication roles, including Project Manager at a Perth-based digital marketing agency, TV Production Assistant for the UK’s largest commercial broadcaster and News Correspondent for Axonn Media. She is a prize-winning creative writer and award-nominated community radio producer.

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What Our Clients Say About Us...

"Maryanne - thank-you so much for letting me know about my grant letter. My friend Sarah will be contacting True Blue shortly to start her residency process. My sincere thanks to you for all that you have done for me, I shall always be grateful." - James
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