Employer Sponsored Visa

Employer Sponsorship (Australian Work Visa)

Do you have Australian employer willing to sponsor you? Or are you an employer wanting to nominate an overseas worker?

Do you qualify for a visa?

Free Assessment

Employer Sponsored Visa Types

Employer sponsorship isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are many visa options available and it is important to select the right visa subclass for both the business and the individual being sponsored. Employer-sponsored visas range from training visas through to permanent residency.

True Blue Migration Services manages the following employer sponsorship visa subclasses.

482 Visa: Skills in Demand Visa (SID) (Subclass 482)

The Skills in Demand (SID) Visa (subclass 482) has replaced the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) Visa. The SID visa aims to better address Australia’s labour market requirements and provide a more structured pathway to Australian permanent residency for applicants. Skills in Demand visas can be granted for up to four years.

Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 186)

Both the Temporary Residency Transition (TRT) and the Direct Entry (DE) pathways of this employer-nominated visa give permanent residency to you and your family. The TRT pathway is open to 457 visa holders or 482 visa holders when certain criteria is met.

Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494)

This visa was replaced the 187 (RSMS) visa in November 2019. There are 9,000 places available annually. This visa provides a pathway to Australian permanent residency after a number of years

Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408)

This visa allows applicants to undertake certain activities in Australia on a temporary basis, including sports coaching and research activities.

Are you and your employer eligible for visa sponsorship?

The Australian work visa program is designed to fill skill shortages and provide employers with access to labour that cannot be found locally. Both you and your employer must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for employer sponsorship.

This may depend on:

  • The employer’s location, trading history and genuine need for the position to be filled
  • The shortage occupation list, the nominated position and the offered salary
  • Your relevant work experience and/or qualifications
  • Your age and your English competency

Your employer may also need Standard Business Sponsor (SBS) approval before an employer-sponsored visa can be granted.

We help both you and your employer through the employer-sponsored application process. To find out if you can be sponsored by an employer, please complete our online assessment form.

You can also call us on (08) 6189 5333, (03) 9038 9070 or (02) 8206 8869 to find out more.


Information for Employers
Information for Employers

Are you an employer looking to provide visa sponsorship for new or existing employees? We work with employers who have not sponsored before to help them obtain approval. We help with all parts of employer sponsorship to make sure that your business will meet the requirements.

Discover more about Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) today.

What Our Clients Say About Us...

"I chose True Blue Migration due to recommendations from a few friends and saw that people had liked them on my Facebook. I applied for a 457 visa and can say that 100%, I could not have done it without them. When my visa was granted, it was a weight off my shoulders and there was a big party to celebrate." - Steve
Get in touch now to find out how we can help you contact us