Employer Sponsored Visa Fees

Below is a guide to the Government costs involved in making an employer-sponsored visa application in 2024-25. 

Employer sponsored visa

Do you qualify for a visa?

Free Assessment
482 Skills in Demand Visa Application FeeVariableThis application is made up of three parts: Sponsorship fee $420 Nomination fee $330. The application fee for the primary applicant is $3,115. The application fee for a partner and any child over 18 is also $3,115. The application fee is $780 for each child under 18 years of age. A subsequent temporary application charge of $700 per applicant if the applicant has previously lodged certain temporary visas whilst in Australia.
408 Temporary Activities Visa Application FeeVariableThis application is made up of two parts: Sponsorship fee $420 and visa fee of $415 for the main applicant, $415 for a partner (and any child over 18) and $105 for each child under 18 years of age A subsequent temporary application charge of $700 per applicant if the applicant has previously lodged certain temporary visas whilst in Australia. This includes a second 417 visa or a second student visa.
407 Trainee Visa Application FeeVariableThis application is made up of three parts: Sponsorship fee $420 Nomination fee $170 Visa fee $415 for the main applicant, $415 for a partner (and any child over 18) and $105 for each child under 18 years of age A subsequent temporary application charge of $700 per applicant if the applicant has previously lodged certain temporary visas whilst in Australia.
186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Temporary Residence Transition Stream) VariableThis application is made up of two parts: Nomination fee: $540 and Visa fees of $4,770 for the main applicant, $2,385 for a partner (and any child over 18) and $1,195 for each child under 18 years of age. All ENS Direct Entry Stream applicants must undertake a skill assessment, unless an exemption applies. The applicant must hold a positive skill assessment prior to the visa being lodged.
186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Direct Entry Stream) VariableThis application is made up of two parts: Nomination fee: $540 (waived if the sponsor is in a regional area) and Visa fees of $4,770 for the main applicant, $2,385 for a partner (and any child over 18) and $1,190 for each child under 18 years of age. 186 Direct Entry Stream applicants must hold a skill assessment at the time of visa application, unless an exemption applies.
494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visaVariableThis fee ranges from $0 - $4,770 and is payable directly to the Regional Certification Board in the relevant region. 494 applicants require a positive skill assessment as part of the application process.
Skills Assessment (186 Direct Entry and 494)Variable This fee is payable directly to the relevant skills assessment authority.
English test (if required)Approx. $350This fee is payable directly to the English language testing centre.
Medical ExaminationApprox. $400 per adult and $350 per childThis fee is payable for each person included in your application and must be paid directly to the doctor conducting your examination.
Police ChecksVariableThis fee is payable to the police authorities in the countries where you have lived for 12 months or more.
Translation of Documents (if required)VariableThis fee is payable to the person responsible for certifying / translating your documents.

Employer Sponsored Visa Application Prepared, Managed and Lodged by a True Blue Migration Agent

Management of your 482 visa by a Registered Migration Agent$6,800 paid in two partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the candidate. We manage the Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) approval, the position nomination and the visa application. If the business holds approval as a sponsor or you hold a 482 visa and/or you are being nominated by a new employer, the fee will be lowered. You can contact us directly to discuss.
Management of your 408 Temporary Activities Visa by a Registered Migration Agent$5,500 paid in two partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the candidate. We manage the business sponsorship and visa application.
Management of your 407 visa by a Registered Migration Agent$7,250 paid in three partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the candidate. We manage the business sponsorship, nomination and visa application.
Management of your 186 application (Direct Entry) by a Registered Migration Agent where a positive skill assessment is held$6,800 paid in two partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the candidate. We manage the business sponsorship, nomination and visa application.
Management of your 186 application (Temporary Residence Transition) by a Registered Migration Agent$6,800 paid in two partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the candidate. We manage the business sponsorship, nomination and visa application.
Management of your 186 application (Direct Entry) by a Registered Migration Agent where a skill assessment is required$9,450 paid in three partsYour case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the applicant.
Management of your 494 (skilled employer sponsored regional provisional) visa application by a Registered Migration Agent Fee varies according to stages managed (Standard Business Sponsorship, nomination, Regional Body certification, skill assessment and visa)Your case is managed by a True Blue Migration Registered Migration Agent. Our fee includes paperwork for the sponsor as well as the applicant. We manage your skill assessment, regional board certification, nomination, visa application and regional board certification (494).

If you have lodged an employer-sponsored visa that has been refused, you may be able to appeal the decision. The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) charges a fee of $3,496 for an appeal. Our fee to manage an AAT appeal varies depending on the complexity of the case.

SURCHARGE: If your visa situation has an urgent deadline, and requires additional resources, there may be a surcharge applied to the management fee.

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