If you’re applying for an 820/801 partner visa, you’ll want to know all the costs involved before going ahead.
Compared to other visa subclasses, you may think the 820/801 visa is relatively expensive, but it’s important to remember that this visa offers Australian Permanent Residency.
There are many benefits associated with Permanent Residency, not least that it provides a pathway to Australian citizenship.
The 820/801 is an onshore application. If you’re outside of Australia, you’ll apply for the 309/100. The Government fee for both options is the same.
We hope this handy guide helps you to plan for your partner visa costs and budget accordingly.
Below we will break down the costs associated with the 820/801 visa. Your outgoings will vary depending on whether you use a Registered Migration Agent to manage the application on your behalf and whether you add any dependents.
There are also other associated expenses such as medical checks and police checks.
Fees for medical checks are approximately $400 per adult and $350 for children.
Costs vary wildly; some countries issue free checks whilst others charge a few hundred
dollars or may require you to provide fingerprints in person.
If your documents are not in English, you may need to engage the services of a NAATI-certified translator. Again, costs will vary depending on the number of documents you need translating, the type of document and the number of words it contains. Expect to pay around $40 – $70 per document.
If you don’t meet the 12-month cohabitation requirement, you may consider registering your relationship. Not all States allow couples to register relationships for migration purposes and most require both people to reside in the State. However, it will allow you to waive the requirement to show 12 months of living together.
Fees vary.
The fee for a Registered Migration Agent from True Blue Migration Services to manage your case is $5,850.
Your fee can be paid in three parts to help spread the cost. There is no extra cost associated with paying your True Blue Migration management fee in instalments.
Your Government fee isn’t due until the time of application, which means you can actually get started on your partner application with a Registered Migration Agent from as little as $1,950 (the first portion of your fee).
We are also one of the only Australian migration agencies offering a no visa, no fee guarantee on partner visas. What does this mean? It means that in the unlikely event of your application being refused, we will refund the professional fee you paid us.
The 820/801 visa is a two-stage application. The Government application fee covers both parts; you do not have to pay anything further. However, if you wish to engage our services to manage the second stage of your application (two years after the 820/801 is lodged), we charge a further 50% of the original management fee you paid us.
You may be wondering why anyone would pay a Registered Migration Agent to manage their application when there’s no legal requirement to do so.
Using a professional service like ours is similar to using an Accountant to lodge your tax return or an Estate Agent to sell your home. We live and breathe visa applications and our team of highly experienced Agents stay on top of trends and policy changes.
Lots of people come to us to manage their partner visa appeals after lodging unsuccessful applications themselves. Very often they have made errors that a Registered Migration Agent would have picked up on and rectified.
The Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) charges $3,496 to lodge an appeal and our management fee depends on the complexity of the case at hand; however, there are lengthy wait times and people find the ART experience stressful. It is much better to get your application right the first time around.
If you would like a free partner visa assessment with a Registered Migration Agent, complete our online form or call one of our offices directly. We look forward to recommending the best pathway for you.